With a focus on faith-based perspectives through a combination of personal stories, inspirational messages, and practical advice, Faith 23 Ministries seeks to uplift and empower its readers to find strength and peace in their journey towards healing and restoration. Whether you are dealing with the loss of a loved one, a broken relationship, or any other form of pain, this blog is here to offer support and guidance every step of the way. Healing Hearts, Restoring Faith.

Welcome to Faith 23 Ministries, our little corner of the internet dedicated to all things faith, community, and healing. Starr is a first-time author who is passionate about authentically connected with hurting souls. After the loss of their infant daughter, Starr began the search for healing and wholeness. This ministry has opened her heart to see all those who are hurting in the body of Christ. Through her writing, Starr hopes to minister to the hearts of those who have experienced a loss of any kind and point them toward the God of all comfort. Starr lives in Georgia with her husband, Robert. When she is not spending time with her family, or writing, you can find her crocheting shoes for tiny toes (a project that she started while spending long hours in the NICU with their daughter before her passing) or baking. Everyone is welcome here. Find a spot in our little nook and rest a while with comfort words and Jesus.

Dive into a world full of personal stories, inspirational messages, and practical advice. Faith 23 Ministries seeks to uplift and empower its readers to find strength and peace in their journey towards healing and restoration. Healing Hearts, Restoring Faith.

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